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The negation of others.

The moral conscience.

Eugene Delacroix, peintre Français, romantisme - La liberté guidant le peuple"Life needs illusions, that is to say non -truths held as truths. " Friedrich Nietzsche.

The illusion of freedom.

Our philosophy is that humanity is destined to reach its perfection. Its evolution is determined. In other words, freedom is an illusion. A necessary illusion, but an illusion anyway.

Obviously, this deterministic view is incompatible with a society based on technical progress *.

* As capitalist society, communist or liberal

Or at least, inconsistent with its current level of consciousness *.

* it does not allow him even to choose a constructive determinism.

For technological civilizations, determinism is synonymous with fatalism, renunciation, resignation. So for the moment, man must imagine free to be responsible for his actions. Free to develop their world, develop itself, and move towards the right.

The evolution of consciousness

Humanity is distinguished from other species by certain values ​​*.

* Justice, morality, ethics and the law, are few.

These values ​​allow us or prohibit certain acts. This moral and legal fabric, is constantly increasing.

At the time of Aristotle, for example, slavery was normal. But under the influence of philosophers, spiritual, political, this mindset has gradually changed. In the eighteenth century, the French revolution imposed the idea of ​​free and equal in dignity and rights men. Kant exhorted man to consider his fellow beings as ends, not Means. The struggles of the nineteenth and twentieth century have extended the considerable work against slavery. A powerful revolutionary energy has managed to impose a number of laws against this abomination.

A work of heroes

Between the thought of Aristotle * and today's thinking, our consciousness of others has changed.

* Aristotle which slaves existed in nature

Humanity now is fighting against all forms of slavery. She gradually devalue forms of segregation. Philosophy has contributed to the promotion of these transcendental ideas.

Diogenes, Epictetus, Seneca, Augustine, Las Casas, Montaigne, La Boétie, Kant, Rousseau, Marx, Sartre... Have raised our level of consciousness. They have changed the look made ​​by a human being to another human being.

The discriminating elitism

The racisme anti-poor

Enfant mendiant - pauvreté The elitist elite and discriminant

Awareness has increased but we are far from compliance with autruttendu a humanity called advanced.

Certainly, racism, slavery, eugenics, etc.., Have disappeared from the official Western discourse. But these primitive thoughts are still very much alive in some archaic minds.

The West forgets his role

The rich industrialized education and equal nations, are not free from blame. Instead, for some low combined electoral some politicians do not hesitate to revive old xenophobia. They pose to the voters, their everyday racism and narcissistic elitism, obscene shadows.

Elitist media

Since the fall of communism, the Western media pour into a kind of Western- centrism. Star reporters have succumbed to the lure of unbridled liberalism. Reflecting their new masters, they show a certain contempt for certain crops and humans. The non-Western and non- voice * of little importance to them. By implication, he did not in the eyes of impressionable public.

* The poor, the imprisoned, the ghettoized, the proletarians and the homeless are often forgotten.

A new narcissistic elite has emerged.

In this great neoliberal movement, a new elite was formed. Careless and selfish, she turns away from suffering the third and fourth world. The voiceless, the helpless, the sansgrade, have no say in the matter. Human majority has no value for these new manufacturers opinion *.

* journalists and intellectuals fascinated by the authorities.

Obviously, in the West, this contempt is never directly available. It is suggested or given to smell. This foul mood is not consciously inspired. This is instinctive behavior. Their authors are not really aware of their actions.

The indifference of the media

At the individual level, contempt for the "stranger" is serious but not critical. It makes plain racism. He can be heard here and there in certain discussions. It's different when the contempt or hatred comes from a government or media atmosphere. The negation of others may then impregnate the whole of society.

It is unfortunately the case.

Disoriented by market values ​​, the western mass media, degrade or devalue other civilizations. Their treatment of the news leads the viewer to consider culture as the best in the world. Worse, some 20 hours do not hesitate to ape the political parties whose stock in trade is fear. A spoof parties swollen hatred, those who point the finger at certain communities.
In a few decades, these opinion-makers have thus revived racism and Islamophobia in vulnerable minds.

(pages written in the early 2000)


degradation of the image of the people in the media

surface essence

Christian Johann Heinrich Heine écrivains allemands du XIXᵉ siècle né en 1797 à Düsseldorf, mort en 1856 à Paris sous le nom de Henri Heine

Avec ses bonnets de nuit et des lambeaux de sa robe de chambre, le philosophe bouche les trous de l'édifice universel.

Hendrich Heine