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Ambiguity of market

The necessary contesting

MarketNecessary decline of the values

There is something else that do net let us notice clearly the progress of the humanity towards the good. It is the sensation of moral, social, human and spiritual decline that we feel since these last 30 years. This decline exists, but it is occasional and it concerns only certain fields of evolution.
Humanity in its global nature continues its progress.

The necessary contesting

Quite as most of individuals, human corporations look in the contradictory groups, for the limits of their expansion. In other words, the presence of a consequent opposition is fundamental to avoid the problems engendered by all-powerful. Liberalism considers himself all-powerful, its pride increases and also the risks of absolute dictatorship.

By corrupting gradually certain principles, by imposing the dominant values (egoism, aggressiveness, hoarding money, and narcissism) the movement of neo-liberalism explains the democracy decline. Indeed, democratic values require choosing people values (mutual aid, humility, equality, sharing, peace of mind) as values to be followed.

In a political doctrine which favors the dominant, the living conditions decline gradually towards those of our previous history, those of natural primates. We can verify it by observing the neo-liberalism of these last decades. That is why precariousness, aggressiveness, violence, sexuality without feeling, fear and unconsciousness are, like in the country, expanding since around thirty years.

Necessary decline of the values

If this decline of spiritual values towards bestiality and its drives, seems obvious, it is however occasional and partial. It is the return for a more important evolution: the globalization. The globalization is an obligatory step of humanity; it signs the rise of national towards universal. The decline of certain human values is the direct consequence of the control of the way of spreading these values by the trade system. The domination of market values is the consequence of the control of the globalization by the market. This management is completely explainable; it joins in the big evolution of humanity towards its unification. Indeed, if an American, a Chinese, a Russian, Japanese, an African, a European, an Oriental, can meet on common things, these must be neutral and transnational. No religion, no political ideology, could gather this way the variety of the world around universal values and being convenient for all.

Only objects, fashion, music, cinema, tourism or industry, in other words what the market offers, can assemble the human majority today. Only the market can open the way to a worldwide and universal functioning and agree to develop its national and community practices towards new universal laws. The universalization by the market is thus just one of the mechanisms of the expected world peace. As a matter of fact, the globalization prepares the fusion of ideologies and spiritualities within a common and universal quintessence.

Market has to regulate itself

When the market dominates

jean michel Basquiat, artiste peintre américainNevertheless, this control of the globalization

Nevertheless, this control of the globalization by the trade system begins to pose a real problem to all human beings. It has a cost: the systematic marketing of all the pieces of society including the human being and his spirituality.

When the market dominates the spiritual field, it diverts naturally man from reflection and spirituality, because they have no market value. By flooding body and soul the human being in the material things, the market reduces the man to the simple state of consumer and merchandise.

When the market dominates the military field, it reduces the weapon to the rank of simple product of consumption. Thanks to it, weapons spread on the whole planet leading to the damage we know. The market can also influence wars just for its development. When the market dominates the ecological field, its impulsiveness does not allow prevention instead of cure. It is then incapable to obtain in a short time enough money for the research in clean energies, obliging the humanity to repair incessantly its damages.

When the market dominates the political field, it uses this one for monopolizing new pieces of society. And so it took little by little the control of the media, with all the aberrations which we see there. Today, the market aims at the education, at prisons, at the research, at the medicine, etc.

When the market dominates the educational field, it guides gradually the education to the only disciplines which interest it: practical, mercantile disciplines - to conceive, to construct and to sell - are overestimated to the detriment of intellectual, artistic and spiritual disciplines. If it needs manpower, the market does not hesitate to question certain rights for the schooling to have young and submissive workers. On the other hand, when the merchant is over the educational field, it infiltrates gradually the school to sell its products and his advertisements there.

When the market dominates the cultural field, it quickly impoverishes the variety and the quality to reduce its production costs and increase its profits. In mass media, only some standard artists fill the cultural pages, shrinking the intellectual people space, its consciousness and its critical spirit.

When the market dominates the media, it ravages gradually the mission of the journalism. It transforms it into a simple instrument of propaganda and advertising. It converts television and press in vast shop window of objects to be bought. It disguises journalists and presenters as standardized and “benevolent" street vendors. It annihilates little by little the citizen debates, the cultural programs, the critical programs and the real vision of the world.

When the market dominates the justice, it is not any more afraid of deceiving his employees. It neglects the social experiences to increase its profits by paying fewer and fewer workers who have to work more and more to be given working and living conditions lower than those whom they enjoyed 30 years ago. Its omnipotence thus leads it inevitably to make the humanity return to the stage of the slavery.

Finally, when the market dominates the people, it looks for their impulses and their dependencies instead of wanting what is good for them. It constantly tries to sell always more merchandise to stimulate addictions, weaknesses, tendencies and perversions. Voyeurism, gambling, venality, overeroticization, overconsumption, narcissism, elitism, etc., keeps gradually the whole spirit busy.

This observation will sustain until the market is completely dominated and finds its natural place in the humanity, in other words the last one on the scale of the influences to society. The market must be subordinated to these fields: spiritual, ecological, political, educational and cultural, to media and to people.

As you can see, this work is going to follow two very different purposes. On one side, we are going to think about the global and spiritual evolution of the humanity towards its perfection... Of other one, we shall analyze the faults of our society, to open our consciousnesses and lead us to challenge ourselves.

What are the real values in progress concerning our specie? What are the sense and the purpose of our evolution? Here are some of the questions that it seems fundamental to ask today.

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