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Symbiosis and liberalism in our philosophy

Operation of man and humanity

Yvon D'aigle, la saint PatriceOf antagonism to the symbiosis

Symbiosis : sustainable and reciprocal partnership that benefits all

In its evolution, the human society practice different modes of operation . It uses antagonism, neutralism, commensalism, symbiosis and osmosis . If people had a choice between the various models of action, symbiosis, probably reap the votes . One day perhaps, global vote will be set * .

* It also semblerai useful to me today to advocate for the installation of this type of universal democracy that allows people to choose the major global projects.

the symbiosis

All means, the symbiosis is probably operating with human majority dream. Unfortunately, the dominant trends push more towards neutralism or antagonism . However, the overall level of awareness seems high enough to accommodate a symbiotic operation. The immense work theologies, ideologies and philosophies, has borne fruit . In a few millennia, these sciences have emerged and universal brotherhood in humanity. And these values ​​are the basis of the symbiosis.

For a long time people are ready for peace .

The only late in short, are the dominant * . In defiance of their populations, they compare their égocentrismes through wars they initiate and are carried out by the people.

* Prevailing in general, because in particular there has fully aware of the issues of democracy and the importance of peace prevailing .

Elites, instead of acting for the people as democracies require, still impose their own wishes to all .


On a small scale, the symbiosis is feasible and practiced. Through her ​​example, the alter- globalization movements are universalized . Thanks to her again, and humanitarian donations from around the world flock to disaster areas .

For a symbiotic vision to emerge, human consciousness must first migrate from " clan " to " universal ." Man must understand that works primarily for the evolution of the species. must understand that it is necessary to demote specific affiliations ( regionalist, nationalist, communitarian, religious ) behind belonging to humanity.



liberalism and symbiosis

Al Gazhli, philosophe arabe, dessin

Si tu as de nombreuses richesses, donne de ton bien ; si tu possèdes peu, donne de ton cœur.
Proverbe Berbère