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A philosophy of progress

The slow pace of change

Between theory and practice

As for the Conservatives used to progressive ideas, ideology * usually precedes human practice.

* Progressive ideas are often revolutionary, thus generating anxieties and fears

For example, the WTO has long advocated global trade fair and just.

This is the theory.

But the practice is far from meeting these specifications.

The reactionaries have always refused to abandon their old colonial principles. To move from colonialism to the fair and equitable relationship, you need a decompression chamber. It is the function of neocolonialism and imperialism post *

* This mechanism simply demonstrates that colonial minds are still stronger than the humanistic spirit. One day, when the old spirits are gone, it will be the opposite.

An inexorable evolution

The desires of equality and justice are present in humanity. They are gaining ground. Gradually, the rear gives way to new generations. Rigor conservatives must give ground to the rise of new ideas. Reactionary ideas when faced with two alternatives. Or they try to resist the flow of renewal (and then submerged violently ) or they accept change.

The time and history

The clash between reformist and conformist, anime permanently human society. It maintains a kind of " progressive unstable stability ". Our species derives a portion of its energy from the conflict. Given the news, the reactionaries always seem to win *.

* When the reformists in power, the Conservatives are organizing to prevent any reform to succeed. When the Conservatives came to power, they call it " reform " their proposals regression.

But in reality, under the wind of history, reformers have always succeed *.

* Thanks to this, the current living conditions are better than those of 30 years, themselves better than in the previous century, etc.. This is why humanity still regularly exceeds its historical moments ( natural primates, Prehistory, antiques, medieval, Renaissance, nineteenth century, today.

If the overall evolution of humanity was entirely in the hands of reactionaries, we would return back soon. We quickly regain the use of " wild horde " to use the philosophy of Sigmund Freud. Would bring back the old dominant primates manners * on the front of the stage

* As hoarding privileges, domination, etc..

Brakes unconsciousness

The lack of meaning and purpose

justiceToo low awareness

Antagonism is a engine of human activity. But this kind of change requires the sacrifice of a considerable amount of human being. A wasteful our unconscious evolution. As we move into the future without knowing the meaning of this evolution, our progress is dangerous. As we have not yet acquired the consciousness of our common identity, our international relations groups are deplorable. Most of the time, they undertake under the authority of our primary primate mind. A mind overwhelmed by the fear of the stranger, the desire to dominate and hoard privileges. That is why we are still unable to negotiate on equal terms and without showdown with others.

Awareness of the meaning

Theoretically, humanity has the means to manage its growth, consciously. She knows conceptually how to evolve reasonably, respectfully and humanely so egalitarian and forward-looking. But in practice, it does not. We still lack a precise idea of ​​what there is to build. Unfortunately, current time, do not really lend themselves to a purposeful reflection. The leader of the time (the market) is not interested in the sense of humanity.

Changes to the blind

A groping


The " creative principle " who provides any " building plan " humanity must evolve groping. It must improvise. Use your intuition, and imagination. It is is " in blind " to quote an interesting theme of the painter Marcel Bataillard ( one of his works below cons ).

Hence our way forward, for attempts, errors and corrections.

The current system also increases the indifference of man to the teleology. The exaltation of the primary drives for ultra liberalism promotes the action but not consciousness. Stress, narcissism, taste honors and money, prevents think long term. In this panic, industrial man confined his research to the immediate (pleasure, desire, psychology).

But the road is emerging.

There is a passage through the great adventure of evolution.

The rise of consciousness in humanity, naturally follows the proper pace of human evolution. In any case, it shows that you can not speed up the process of evolution without encountering fierce mental resistance. The immediate aftermath of the French Revolution and the Soviet system is one example.

Universality, blood peace

Today, our level of consciousness is such that it can illuminate all obstacles evolution. it tells us about the mobile and immutable. There is no universal peace possible before reaching a universal operating higher *.

* A UN fair and strong enough to govern all private empires. Political, legal and social, unique and suitable for each system.

While we have not reached this operation, the progress will develop so dualistic, clan, communal, imperialist. But do not forget, these primary trends are one of our most powerful " pacemakers " of shares.

Live the future

This time, in my opinion, comes to an end *.

* But the time of human evolution is different from the time of human life.

We are gradually moving towards a symbiotic evolution. A cooperative development and respectful. It is a matter of time. More evidence that we are on the way :

The gradual emergence of human consciousness

the immense work of learning imposed on man to teach him to manage his predatory behavior and abusants

the rise of the power of anticipation

and especially " progressive revelation of the meaning of our presence in the world"

All this allows us to design the future, under the auspices of the conscious. Gradually, philosophy, morals and ethics, will become the guides to progress. Our evolution will be less subject to violence, threats and human sacrifices.


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