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Introduction to evolution

Science, philosophy and progress

Human to human,

Originally we believe to act. It is in the mold of the action that our intelligence was cast. Speculation is a luxury, while the action is a necessity. Henri BergsonCreative Evolution.

Humanity is moving : towards Gradually icts ideal operation. It better control His behavior, environment, and questions. In this long process of improvement, it is Gradually moving icts : towards ultimate perfection.

In the image of man

Our evolution is a reflection of the evolution of an individual. It passes from unconsciousness to full consciousness. It goes from childhood to adolescence to adulthood to wisdom. Human progress cheminent Specific goals to overall goals to the ultimate goal. The first chapter, "the animal rights", built the foundation of our philosophy. He located the origins of humanity in the natural world primates (as Opposed to creationism ). From the natural world, man builds a cultural world. Intuitively and unconsciously, he makes a company and is Constantly Advancing.

An Underlying sense

Altho this development is unconscious, yet it follows a ruthless logic. It opposing "evil " and Promotes "good. " It discredits the evil tendencies and Stimulates Good Behavior. It lowers the strength of the impulses and raises consciousness. The overall progress HAS a purpose and we will try to highlight in this chapter. We try to Know Where thesis permanent and exponential improvements lead the human phenomenon. What kind of down, man Develops Gradually manufacturer.

Various kinds of progress

Physical and technical developments

Intellectual and physical development.

Between " natural primates " we were and modern man, the human species has evolved. * It has evolved physically and mentally.

* Loss of hair, acquisition of standing

The psychological point of view, some improvements include adaptation to the environment. This is the case of the progress of thought, memory, intelligence, reason, etc.. Other undertake human relations. For example, the progress of friendship, mother love, fatherly, sensual, spiritual, etc.. Others are related to culture and society. Such as the artistic spirit, the discovery of democracy, social protection, etc.. Further progress finally, concern the scientific or spiritual. The evolution of history, philosophy, psychology, of religion, are these. Progress against our metaphysical questions: God, the absolute, time etc., also.. see 5 demonstrations

Page from 2001


claude levi strauss

L'attitude la plus ancienne, et qui repose sans doute sur des fondements psychologiques solides puisqu'elle tend à réapparaître chez chacun de nous quand nous sommes placés dans une situation inattendue, consiste à répudier purement et simplement les formes culturelles : morales, religieuses, sociales, esthétiques, qui sont les plus éloignées de celles auxquelles nous nous identifions. « Habitudes de sauvages », « cela n'est pas de chez nous », « on ne devrait pas permettre cela », etc.., autant de réactions grossières qui traduisent ce même frisson, cette même répulsion en présence de manières de vivre, de croire ou de penser qui nous sont étrangères.

Claude Lévi-Strauss

carricature de Darwin

Caricature de darwin