Conscience and truth The truth is in wisdom ""As soon as we think clearly conceive a truth, we are naturally inclined to believe." Descartes
With consciousness, a concept is difficult to define than the truth. Our philosophy is quite general, we will confine ourselves to a few intrepid schematizations.
The mecaniqueuniverselle defines two types of truth.
1 / conceptual truths (2 + 2 = 4, the sky is blue. This is a pipe).
2 / sensory truths ( whatever my body through my mind feels like sensations).
The sensitive feeling also separates into two distinct types.
1 / ordinary sensations. They represent the brain activity of everyday life. In other words, all sensations except the state of ecstasy.
2 / ecstatic sensations. They arise from the activity of the mind in ecstasy position.
Ordinary sensations allow the individual to receive ordinary and changing truths.
The ecstatic sensations allow him to reach the "absolute truth". Of consciousness
In the broadest sense, consciousness is defined as : all images, ideas or feelings generated by our mind and perceived by him. It is the knowledge of man to himself, others and the environment.
Our states of consciousness can be actually experienced or imagined. Life is a succession of different states generated by our consciousness. They represent a range from pure illusion to the ultimate truth. Mirage of the awakening from the dream to ecstasy.
In developing our species gradually develops his conscience and knowledge. We can compare human evolution to the evolution of an individual. It begins with the immediate consciousness of the infant to be completed in the consciousness of the wise. The Universal Consciousness
All individual consciousness, is what we might call : "universal consciousness." It represents the average level of consciousness of humanity at any given time. This consciousness evolves on the same as the individual consciousness mode. It proceeds along the development of knowledge.
Today, we might say the conscience of humanity, it begins to emerge from adolescence. The universal consciousness, gradually approaching the ultimate truth. The truth ; definition Description / object of conformity " It is often divided between respect for the truth and his commitment to truth." Jean Rostand As of the films : the truths
A common definition is to describe the truth as " the conformity of speech with its purpose." This is a table, this is a man, etc.. And effectively to the direction
common, it is indeed a table, a man, etc...
But these are conventional truths. Truths developed by man to build his world. If they are useful in everyday life, they are however not absolute truths. Universe, man, sky, sea, table, Marie, Anne, Peter, Paul and Jacques, are terms. They help us to define "things" the absolute truth is deeper.
For proof, just compare our truths, the truths of other life forms. My consciousness of an old furniture for example, is radically different from the worm that is enjoying. Plato, Socrate Of philosophy Socrate
I'll tell you, and this is not an insignificant thing: no thing, taken by itself, is only one, there is nothing you can style or qualify in any way accurately. If you are designated as a great thing, it will appear as small and light, if you call heavy, and so the rest, because nothing is, or determined or qualified in any way whatsoever and that c is the translational motion and their reciprocal mixing that form all the things we say exist, we used a misnomer, since nothing is forever and everything becomes still. All wise, one after another, with the exception of Parménides, agree on this point: Protagoras, Heraclitus and Empedocles, and among the poets, the most prominent in every kind of poetry, in comedy Epicharmus in tragedy Homer. When he said: " The ocean is the origin of the gods and Tethys is their mother," he says that everything is the product of flow and movement. Is it not, in your opinion, that he meant ? The truth of the universe Or is immuable ? Space, time, shapes ?" When the error bears the livery of truth, it is often observed that the same truth. " Nicolas Malebranche
The world we are told, is expanding.
The absolute truth of the universe can not therefore be a particular time of the expansion. This time does not represent the whole.
The truth can not, either, be an element of the universe. This element is not everything. This truth can not be a time of expansion space ( eg time of the evolution of life ). This interval is in fact not all.
You can not use the shape of the universe as an absolute truth. Its size is indeed expanding. So the shape of the universe is changing. In other words, neither space nor time, nor the shape of the universe provides absolute truth to the universe. Elementary particles.
The absolute truth of the universe is necessarily a " constant light, immutable, unchanging and infinite." This constant light, this inner essence, is inside the material. It is immaterial who are particles. This is the quarks, photons, bosons, ropes, etc.. Only then, the immutable and immaterial essence of the universe may be the truth of the universe. The truth of life Beyond the species"What man calls truth is still the truth, that is to say, the aspect in which things appear to him. "Protagoras
As for the universe, the truth of life is beyond form. The living, we know, is changing.
The absolute truth of life, so it can not be a point of this evolution. The human species, like all other species, is a point of this evolution. Humanity can not therefore embody the absolute truth of life.
If the living holds an absolute truth, it is necessarily in its deepest essence. It is within this area. At the light party that is. In other words, the only identical to all the living truth, these are elementary particles. They represent the immaterial energy component and animating each species and individual, in spite of its form.
Only then, the intimate, immutable and immaterial essence of living can be considered as the absolute truth.
The truth of man
The wrong direction. Essence not mistaken
Beyond its appearance, the truth of man.
It's the same thing at the absolute truth of man.
Throughout the life, physical appearance, social conditions, qualities, passions, intelligence, evolve. These faculties are in constant mutation.
Appearance, social status, quality, trend, intelligence, thus can not be the absolute truth of man. the perception
The perception of the outside world also differs between species. Our worldview is different from that of an ant, a fly or a fish. So our perception is not the absolute truth of what is. It is an interpretation. the senses
It's the same thing for our senses (hearing, touch, smell, sight, taste ). What we hear, touch, smell, see is not the meaning ascribed, feels, sees or feels, fish or wasp. Our senses also vary within our species. The relationship warm and cold is not the same for the inuit and an African. We felt, therefore, can not serve as absolute truth. In other words, neither the personality nor the perception, do not offer absolute truths to humans. For man, the only truth is its essence. This is the immutable and immaterial part within the atom. This species is present in the universe, in the living and in every man. The ultimate truth is in wisdom A direct relationship " Two half- truths do not make a right. " Multatuli Directly link his consciousness to energy
In summary, to reach " the absolute truth of things," the man must feel " the immaterial essence of things." It should therefore come into contact with sensitive energy elementary particles. His conscience must connect directly to the essence ( which we say here, it is divine ).
This fusion is only possible through the bliss, ecstasy, nirvana. in short
In summary, the absolute truth is immaterial and temporal. It can not be verbalized, analyzed, written or expressed. It is only felt by the body. It is the result of the direct link between " intimate part of elementary particles " and the spirit.
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