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  • bien mal
    l'égalité suite

The difference

Constructed gender inequality

fernand legerThe progress of humanity

Inequality as in De substantive equality .

Substantive equality between individuals, is the spiritual bedrock of humanity. Regarding the construction of human society, we are all equal . We provide all the same contribution. Ie, our entire existence .

The individual is fundamental, but it can not represent the foundation of humanity * .

* a single individual can neither appear nor survive and ensure offspring on earth.

For humans, humanity is the most important work . This work is the result of the diversity of individuals, groups, and communities. She has finally realized in Nuremberg by the attempted assassination of a human group, the highest level for his crimes. All human existence is ultimately intended to advance the superior identity what "humanity" . Every human being there dedicated his entire existence . Every human life is fundamental is equal to the greater task.

The uneven shape.

Basically, all men are equal. But to evolve, mankind needs inequalities form . Different people it needs . Mentally and physically different . Unequal men "force" in "intelligence" in "wisdom" in "beauty", etc. . *

* Incidentally and feeling more or less than their neighbor above or below a so and so .

> The individual inequalities are one of the most powerful business drivers that humanity has .

Various inequalities

Physical and psychological inequalities. Small, large, high, low, fast, slow, smart, silly, emotional, rational, analytical, synthetic, leader, follower, soft, hard ... These differences are needed to develop us. We need architects, builders, developers, laborers, foremen, electricians, planners, government officials, carpenters ... for performing a home. Inequalities desires, moral, ethical, ideas, opinions, or behaviors. They are a necessity to build our world. Inequality of belonging, attachment (families, clans, communities, political parties, ethnic groups, nations, tribes) ... They are, or were necessary for our growth .

Fundamental human equality

We build all humanity

tour effelFugitive qualities

All these inequalities and potential membership are essential to build us. But they are mere instruments . They are variables, and temporal side . Our strengths come and go depending on location and time. The qualities of a man Bezness, collapses in a monastery. They lose their meaning in the last moments of their lives. Most of the groups we belong today * does not exist there 20,000 years.

* Whether regional, national, community, social

They will probably have disappeared in 20 000 years, embedded in a higher identity.

The logic of equal treatment

Inequalities forms are dressing our substantive equality . And substantive equality, requires equal treatment as a just extension of this basic fact .

We 're not there yet. Man uses the physical inequality, intellectual and membership to treat unequally * man.

* unequal valuation, remuneration, conditions of life, inequality before the law etc. .

The difference is a human resource

Of course, inequality is still a * need to build humanity.

* Treatment, care, attention

Yet, while conscious mind takes the monstrous nature of huge differences in treatment between individuals. He also takes all the hubbub television for us to accept this infamy.





Mahatma Gandhin sage et homme politique indou

Les religions sont comme des routes différentes convergeant vers un même point. Qu'importe que nous empruntions des voies différentes, pourvu que nous arrivions au même but. Gandhi