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    l'égalité suite

Equality and inequality

Humanity against inequality

jumeauValues of life

Equality is not an identity of things that are not the same, which are not identical to each other and inequality is a relationship between unequal things. Hegel

Irresistibly, the concept of equality is gaining ground in the human society. Every day, millions of people working to improve equality between things *.

* Equality between men and women, between the North and the South, equality before the law, equality in the workplace, etc. .

natural primate to man

natural primate ignores the concept of equality. Man manufacturer uncovered the supreme value . He placed at the top of its laws * .

* All human beings are born free and equal in rights and dignity, says The First Amendment rights .

In theory, therefore, humanity mastered the concept of equality. In practice, this is not the same thing. The power of our primary drives, we still prevent the full benefit of this important concept .

The horizon of humanity

Obviously, Paris was not built in a day . Our relationship to equality is progressing steadily . For human made ​​, this value is the true "nature."

According to our philosophy, effective equality is the horizon of humanity. Thanks to the laws of culture, man gradually abolish the "injustices" of nature. He broke with the liberty taken at the expense of others. This high level of civilization, the human future will evolve in a climate of absolute equality.

This is a tense points between unequal past and a future of full equality .

The principle of evolution

In principle we move away from our past to bring us closer to our future. This should permanently lose inequality in favor of equality.

But sometimes, humanity must regress. It then flows back on the road to its core values ​​( as for breath ) . This is the case since the fall of communism. Liberalism rejected the concept of equality in favor of freedom (but a relatively tyrannical freedom).

Apart from this small regressive way, humanity as a whole is moving towards standardization of things . Gradually, devalues ​​education egocentrism, narcissism, * aggressiveness and desire for power .

* even if the values of liberalism today .

Conversely, the man erects all opposing values. It improves the law, the law of justice. It strengthens humility, gentleness and simplicity. He cultivates awareness, sensitivity and love of neighbor . All this work expands the transcendental notion of equality .

History of equality

Of the revolutionary religious

farahd hussainOrigin of the concept

The love of democracy is that of equality . Montesquieu

The origins of the concept of equality, probably dates back to the earliest human formations . They are found at the bases of the tribe. The initiation test intended to raise teens to adulthood, could serve as a genesis.

Of religion

But in my opinion, the first major broadcasters the concept of equality, it is religion. They are the first to have thought of universal equality . It was then proclaimed the fundamental equality of all souls before God. We find this concept in Judaism, Christianity where Buddhism for example. For over 2000 years, religions instill this value in used to challenge the emergence minds. Man has gradually learned to consider others as himself. To love the stranger and to respect it.

The revolution

The French Revolution was then secularized this transcendental value . It was imposed in his first statement : "All men are born free and equal." Like all good ideas, the rights of man are then spread to nations nations. To become one of the foundations of mankind. Since the French Revolution, the concept of equality has even become the basis for some great ideologies. This is the case for communism, socialism, anarchism where .

equality and substantive

A revolution

art_ContemporainFrom nature to culture

It is not true that equality is a law of nature. Vauvenargues

The idea of ​​equality is presented to us in two ways. Substantive equality and equal form .

Substantive equality

It concerns the deepest being. The intimate and spiritual nature of the individual. It is the individual to create the creature to the Creator. From this perspective, all human beings are absolutely equal.

Equal form

It is a social ideal. It encourages gradually reduce social inequalities . It encourages them to gradually reduce the pride from physical, intellectual differences, etc. .. *

* These are really simple engines, simple tools for evolution.

Humanity extends these two types of equality. Desires justice, brotherhood, social progress, animate most human beings. This permanent requirement, we gradually led to absolute equality . The current ideology ( liberalism ) fails equality in favor of a certain type of freedom. But for humans and the evolution of humanity, equality is fundamental value . In the end, equality leads to freedom * .

* But it is a very different freedom that advocated by liberalism.

The question of absolute equality

Humanly, ontologically, before God, we are absolutely equal. Each existence therefore exactly the same importance for evolution.

That the saint and assassin From unemployed and CEO of the fetus and the centenary. That of street children and billionaire, that the beggar and the child star. That of the african, the american, or European. The life of the ascetic and the banker. The life of the cashier and model, all have exactly the same ontological value. It has the same fundamental importance for the overall evolution of our species.

This substantive equality is valid for every human being who passes on this earth.




portrait de jean jacques rousseau

L'égalité n'est pas donné, il faut la conquérir.
Jean-Jacques rousseau.