Of negative discrimination An archaism to destroy  The meaning of a term.
The idea of ​​" discrimination " includes a broad connotative field. It can be understood quite neutral to distinguish between things void of judgment. It can have a negative denotation when it serves to distinguish some human beings at the expense of others. And she can now have a positive value when it seeks instead to reduce inequality of opportunity such as with affirmative action.
In this chapter, we discuss only the negative part of the discrimination. Its use in racism, segregation, colonization, abuse communities or reproduction of elites.
This perversion of the mind which generates among some of the suffering and in others of narcissism and pride, declining in humanity. But the work of man to maintain this regression must not falter. The colonial mind, racist mind, mind abuse is always ready to regain strength when our vigilance is slowing . The last decades cruelly demonstrates . Human society to work
Humanity yet works hard every day and reduce the power of discrimination. Laws against discrimination against the disabled, homosexuals, foreigners, poor etc. ., Are now in force. Labor associations and the media gradually clears the old mentality.
Obviously, the company is not yet completed. We measure each day how the reactionary impregnation is still great. How is this obscurantism . But the future is going in the right direction .
Decades, centuries looming, see the complete disappearance of this ignominy. Raising the level of awareness, educational diversity, legislative work will overcome these retrograde visions. And this loss, our species will lead to a true brotherhood. This is at least the intuition of mecaniqueuniverselle .
Happy reading