Introduction to discrimination Kant : Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals . The man as an end in itself.
All human beings, with a dignity that is their own, are ends in themselves .
Thus, neither natural nor necessary social inequalities hierarchies must not lead to a human being subordinate to others as a mere means to an end is, or prevent realize the extent of his intellectual and moral resources, the full development of his faculties. [ ... ]
The question is this: is it necessary for all rational beings act, as always judge their actions based on such maxims they can wish themselves that they serve as universal laws ? Emmanuel Kant read more
Introduction to the beauty of the idea of​equal
To begin our discussion on discrimination and equality, Kant seemed most appropriate.
What is discrimination? What is equality? It is its evolution in history? What is its necessity, its logic ? Here are some questions that this chapter will try to answer. The genealogy
At first, we try to make the genealogy of the concept of equality. This way of experiencing the world, is typically human . It never entered the other species.
In nature, in fact, inequality prerogatives and power are raised as the basis . It is indisputable from which, for example base, our primate cousins organize their entire existence.
Bringing forth this transcendent concept, man has questioned the natural inequalities. This is a huge change. One of the biggest breakthrough in the evolution of life. This is probably the most important platform for the human phenomenon. The difference
We then see why the potential differences are essential to human progress. And why these differences in any way justify the incredible inter individual differences in treatment . Of equity
In the third part, we will focus on the concept of fairness. To be decidedly positive, equity must invite the people to set the terms . When the rules are set by the only dominant, it is only one of many tools of injustice. narcissism
Then we will think about the involvement of narcissism in rising inequality in equity. We will then link the height of narcissism discriminating, and the width of inequality. From a stranger
Then we will ask the question of cultural diversity. Report of man with those considered foreigners. We will measure how important it is to recognize the contribution of each human group to human evolution.
The development of a sense of equality, Follows from this recognition. We éclairerons various aspects . The desire for equality
We finally see why the heart of most human beings, unconsciously wants equality. Why this desire is the origin of the rapid development of this sublime and transcendent concept .