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Naive philosophy of evil

Study of positive and negative values

Person, seeing the evil, chooses, but attracted by the lure of a property by more than one evil, one is trapped. Epicure

You know now . Our philosophy promotes the idea that " humanity is doomed to reach perfection ." Technical perfection, mental, social, spiritual . That man gradually advance towards universal peace, universal love, happiness and ecstasy.

It would be relatively easy to demonstrate this mechanism if there was the presence of "evil." This negative value blurs the idea of ​​positive change. To confirm our theory, so we have to take that challenge us .

Interference track

The stubbornness of the "evil" * within the human group may give the impression of being a permanent unchanging element.

* Despite all the efforts made by man long to get rid of

According to our viewing angle *, this " negative value " may even seem expanding.

* Eg the events of the last century ( as predicted nihilistic Nietzsche) and in which we are still engaged, it seems .

The evil face of God and love

Whatever you do, you will hurt! Freud

The horrors of the last century which cast doubt on the human evolution. It is difficult to compare the centuries between them, but the twentieth century was disastrous. In his eyes you would think of "evil", it is increasing. Obviously, if the damage was increasing, our sense of belonging to an absurd world, would just ... An absurd world naturally destroys the idea of ​​a loving god and justice . He sends them to the limbo of frantic atheist philosophies . Our study show that this is simply a mistaken view of evolution.

Changes in sensitivity to evil

The negative value of evil, is the linchpin of the positive value otherwise . Humanity will not become worse. Instead it gets better and better.

This is not the "evil" that increases in our species. This is our sensitivity to the " evil" that develops.


définition of evil


En vérité le moi rusé, le moi sans amour, qui cherche son avantage dans l'avantage du plus grand nombre, ce n'est pas à l'origine du troupeau mais son déclin.

Friedrich Nietzsche