The evil of systems Transgress legally. From animal instinct to human standards
Perversion is seen as a deviation from a standard of conduct. It would then be logical to think that it concerns only man.
Animal standards are in fact governed by rigid and autonomous instincts. Neither consciousness nor choice is involved. The animal behaves thus, as its animal society requires.
For example, the dominant primate is condemned to impose its violence on pretenders to dominance. He is also forced to stop him at the first demonstrations of submission.
Man has instituted rules of conduct outside of his instincts. Moral, ethical and legislative rules. Some of these laws decline from prohibitions already present in the instincts. This is the case with incest or gratuitous and useless violence. Others are human novelties such as the ban on theft, racism, physical violence, etc. Violating these rules of conduct is what we call transgressions. Within this transgressing activity, we find what we call perversions.
Perverse behavior encompasses a number of different fields, such as that of sexuality. We will leave aside this constantly evolving moral vision. The perversion as we will hear it on the universal mechanics, will be especially those of the systems. Systems that use perversion to achieve their ends. This is the case, for example, of the market when it overflows our consciousness to sell its products beyond our needs.
an 2002
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