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Religions and ecstasy

God, man and the ecstasy

symboles religeux, religions Absolute happiness

Philosophers : they do not know how to excuse God is or why they deny it, or they prove it: this is the same. In fact instead of looking first to see it, they start with the design. Jacques rivière "

do not discuss the doctrines and religions are one.
All rivers flow into the ocean.
The high water finds a thousand paths along the slopes.
According races, ages and souls, it runs in different beds, but it is always the same water. " Ramakrishna

Carefree, joyful, contemplative, naive, peaceful, blissful here.

Humanity is dedicated to achieving perfection. This perfection is wisdom and ecstasy. This is the basis of our philosophy.

A universal experience

In various writings and under various names, spiritual and philosophical currents have portrayed the ecstatic experience.

Some call Bhakti ( Hinduism ) devekout ( Judaism ) bliss or happiness (Christianity ). Others have called haqiqa, fana (Islam) nirvana or enlightenment ( Buddhism ). Still others, the intitulent ataraxia epoche, beauty, joy ( Spinoza ) or highest good ( Aristotle )..

All these terms describe the same psychological sensation.

A similar technical

To reach this state, religions offer technical fundamentally similar. Prayer and asceticism in Christianity. Meditation, asceticism and enlightenment in Buddhism and Zen. Prayer and recitation for Judaism, Buddhism and Islam. Etc.. These techniques have the same goal: driving cessation, the annihilation of the ego and sublimation. They all call for meditation, body control, fasting, or monasticism.


Splendor in judaism, the Zohar

judaismeThe intention of physically unite with God, appears from the start of monotheism. It is a central concern of his mother religion, Judaism.

To achieve the splendor ( Zohar ) Hasidism ( a common Judaism ) moved vigilant and joyful asceticism ( to purify the soul ) counting, and humility ( anava ) necessary to prayer of the heart, the concentration ( awana ) to worship ( Aboda ) to the burning of love ( nitlahavout ) finally, the mystery and the consummation of the union ( devekut ).

The goal is to embody the inner life of God. What are the route of the man walking towards the mystical union, ain, unspeakable threshold may not be.

Prayer, justice, repentance of sin repair the break. They allow redemption from God alone. They open on the fullness of the kingdom of love without boundaries.

The correspondence between God and man is absolute. Excerpts from the Book of Splendour ( Sepher ha Zohar )

The hinduism

Bhakti in hindouism

hindouismeThe way of the heart in the Hindu Bhakti leads to the same state and goes through the same sacrifices.

If she commits any particular qualification is not it does not require effort.

When all rejected, desires he wore his heart, then the mortal becomes immortal, the earthly he enjoys Brahman.

Clarification and purification of the heart. A heart too weighed down by worries and anxieties land can not be detached, while a confident heart rises effortlessly to God.

Bhakti can not be used to satisfy some desire for it is itself the brake all desires.

In summary, the love in the fast lane of high perfection as Utpaladeva said, "the great treasure worthy of protection, increased and deeply revered."

It is not only the source of life of the mystic, but its end, because Siva is love and bhakti finds its fulfillment in God's desire ( Icchasakti ) when it joined the universal and vibrant Heart and starts the unison of cosmic pulsation ( spanda ).

Everything starts with a loving gaze of God, and within limits without Siva, the movement of love which flows from Christ returns to Him. It is in this sense that love is a gift of grace, Siva takes the initiative in the quest for love, he first reveals his life-giving presence in the heart of man, and one well requested, immediately responding to grace, in a spontaneous outpouring of his whole being, if grace is intense, or slowly, absorbed in it lovingly, if the call is softer.


The status of prayer in chistianisme

christianismeThis quest for the absolute, of course, is found in Christianity. It is part of the foundations on which is built this great religion.

In the spiritual experience of contemplation, the subject experiences intimately and physically the presence of God.

That man is capable of God, he must disappropriated himself.

The death of the ego, the purification of the inner senses, the abandonment of the will is the key aspects of this path of self-denial.

The counting of self begins with the abandonment of love that one door, renouncing all the needs of social, emotional and moral gratification felt by me.


Buddhist Nirvana

bouddhismeThe quest for ecstasy is also the center of Buddhism.

The ultimate faithful to the fundamental teachings of Buddhism Buddhist goal, is to reach a state by ineffable nature indefinable, called nirvana.

This term means extinction. It evokes the passion that was the desire subsides, the thirst that is exhausted.
" The annihilation of desire, hatred, error, that O friend called nirvana "
wise man's heart is as pure and motionless deep lake.

It is the fusion of sotman in all, Brahman.
For one who is liberated, stirring constantly.
The unrest has ceased, calm settled
calm is established, there is more inclination.
The tilt is removed, there is neither appearance nor disappearance. However, there is neither death nor rebirth. However, there is neither here nor naked beyond anything between one and the other.
It is neither nothingness nor conscience, nor non consciousness.


haqîqa, the fanâ, for Muslims

islamIt is, of course, the ecstasy in the heart of Islam. This is the main research of Sufism.

For this great religion, the third and final stage of the spiritual life, led to haghighat, indeed. It marks the coincidence of opposites, opposite.

This is the area of the union, uniqueness, dissolution or dilution of the human into the divine.

The spiritual traveler acquires humanity as it angelic to finally get to a deified humanity where it is said that man is annihilated in God, who alone remains.

Human attributes are replaced by the divine attributes. The researcher becomes the object of his quest. It is itself the goal.

When you know yourself, your illusory ego is removed and you are no other than Allah.


The way of the issuance of the tao

taoismeThe path of deliverance in the Tao, generates the same state and induces the same effort.

To access the salvation, man must build. Spirit is closely conjoined body, and also achieve the unity of the human being that he is one and which is composed of multiple forces, various deities, vital impulse, passion, emotion, and especially so original that is its true nature and deep.

In doing so, refined body and spirituality becomes light as a bird and can fly up to heaven.
The issue is to free the mind of all concepts and any idea of ​​acquisition or loss, to the point that there is nothing, not even the absence of anything whatsoever, which is the "true vacuum". One way is to get rid of any disorder or attachment. Another is called contemplation of wisdom. It is comparable to what the Christian mysticism called grace.

This list of major religions is not exhaustive. This will complement other currents such as Zen, Confucianism, Shintoism, etc. baia faith.

the philosophy

Plato Aristotle, ataraxia

PlatonFrom the desire to merge with the divine path as the history of philosophy. It is found in most pre-Socratics ( Pythagoras to Parménides ). Then Plato and Aristotle, where he is named eudaimonia.

Manage an inside job that achieves the divine order, which for a current, Plato and Aristotle are the philosophical representatives, is made possible by the fact that man a divine hand, the intellect.
It is through contemplation that man achieves and contemplation involves essential material conditions : health and enough to satisfy the minimum required. These needs are however not very important since contemplation is the case of the sage who obviously continues or wealth or comfort
Desire is a painful tension, a disorder of the soul
of the ideal of ataraxia or absence of disorder, that is the wise who seeks to attain the state of apatheia or nothing, no pathos, no evidence can no longer reach. Encyclopedia of Religion Bayard Editions.


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