Liberalism and communism ... A contribution Democratic liberal doctrines It is proper to have your eyes closed, never to open stain to live without philosophizing ... The whole philosophy is like a tree whose roots are metaphysics ... René Descartes Principes de la philosophie
Economic doctrines punctuate long human evolution. In this great intellectual thrill, the birth of liberal philosophy in the eighteenth century, was a major breakthrough . This political concept contributed to the growth of human progress. It dopait creativity and level of wealth and comfort of society. Its inputs to the rights of the individual are indisputable. At the level of individual freedom and the limitation of political authority, too. Since the 80s, the liberal standard is imposed on other schools of thought . She took the lead, thanks to its "consistency" with the new tasks of the company. Liberalism to mount from national to global
What are these missions that present humanity seems to have borne the past few decades?
Contemporary humans must continue the global technical and commercial development . It needs to improve environmentally, socially and legally progress started a few centuries. It must extend the powerful universal unification movement undertaken by men for tens of millennia. These missions require significant ( above all else and at first ) great freedom to undertake. It requires a strong desire to work and creativity. That is why liberalism is imposed on communism . Free enterprise is vital to "overthrow" the national standards for the benefit of international standards. But when freedom is given to fully dominant, it causes a lot of disappointment and abuse. Here we are . Towards an ethical market
It is therefore necessary for liberalism to spend the second era of globalization . At the time of awareness and conscious evolution . It must continue, of course, undertake . but it must do so within a strong ethical, under the authority of a sharp lookout . The market must agree to act under the strict control of international law and human ethics . To my mind, we begin to enter the second phase of globalization.
In the last two decades of the twentieth century, a kind of liberalism reckless, aggressive and uncontrolled, has prevailed to globalize . Since the turn of the century, new structures appear poised to emerge. These new attitudes are driven by environmental risks that were emerging . They arise in response to the behavior of increasingly intolerable that violent liberalism, frenzied and predator ... Anyway, this is my intuition.
Liberalism, nihilism, hyperactivity Pleasure is good, . consciousness too ..
Reject the path of violence, produces nihilism and despair. Kofi Annan
The great expansion of neoliberalism dated early 80s . The fall of communist doctrines, the entry in the global competition and the Western desire to consolidate its leading ship, turned the world into overdrive .
This overabundance of energy stems from a kind of nihilistic atmosphere partly secreted by liberalism . This nihilism is the result of several factors.
It follows the progress of scientific knowledge and some form of religious decline .. It also follows from the grip of universal values ​​by the market * * a must reject all spiritual values ​​to deploy fully market.
Upon taking power and weakening any dispute, the market has imposed its desire to society as a whole .
This desire was simple: shake the world to get him to over- work and over- consume . The panic and the handle to prevent reflection and debate .
Relying on the media, so it builds to this hyper consumption in which we wade past few decades. By appending the policy, built in this form of life meaningless, in which we currently swim ..
In doing so, the market led the West in a sort of vast depression.
Depression and claims it generates simultaneously treated by a torrent of entertainment and dumbed déconscientisant . An empty world of meaning
The man now immersed in a world devoid of meaning. The market pulled him any human substances. A labor of love, the love of simplicity, real cheerfulness, kindness, serenity were laid up . The market society is the human being, a magnifying consumer and stressed slave. The man now has exhausted his strength and his mental health to build aimlessly. Without knowing why or for whom he built this seeming world Unbuilding more . It then sinks to the increasingly absurd.
Cut off from its religious roots, modern man must live as " intense " as possible ( depending on the intensity of liberalism codes of course). No hope of life after life, he must drown action and fun to forget the absurdity of existence. Obliged to drown his head in overactive not to lose it now crosses the world without understanding . The true acuity of life ( according to the codes of the spiritualized humanity) are forgotten ... Forgotten metaphysical reflection, the pursuit of happiness through simplicity, the pursuit of contemplation and harmony . The man submitted to nihilism, is the effort to prevent flooding to think about this beyond néantissime . He must look in the object is to enjoy all the means to forget. Liberalism and equality The market decides the fair A special court is a court that shows just as an exception André Prévot
Fairness would be true if the makers of the rules were fair .
Another part of his overactive, liberalism comes from the importance it attaches to the natural laws . Potential differences according to him, confer rights on individuals. And the specific task of politics is to say the development of these.
the communist equality, liberal philosophy prefers the concept of equity " to each according to his merit ." The concept is nothing new . Instead, she regent long the entire animal kingdom. Any kind for that matter, seems to go without some form of hierarchy and competition.
In nature, the competition, and the powers it offers, cover a broad range . It can be violent and autocratic (fight to the death for unchallenged dominance of the party ) or, take a fun and sociable form ( such as cosmetic competition whales through the jump) . Human equity includes all of the panel .
It extends from the fierce fighting inter -dominant for the possession of some wealth, some areas, or individuals (as is the case of mafia wars and ideological ) to fair competition, friendly and playful with as mutual aid ( the telethon for example). Since the beginning of human civilization, fairness, as practiced by mankind is unfair. Indeed, the evaluation of the merits and rewards are ultimately decided by those who attribute most of them.
Wild liberalism or neo -liberalism, is no exception to this law. Worse, it increases the negative effects. If a differential inter- individual treatment is necessary to stimulate the building of humanity, when it becomes too large, it becomes the instrument of a real liability . Such is the case today. Men accumulate wealth out standards and use them to abuse, mistreat and enslave the vulnerable part of humanity. Nobody should be rich enough to buy another man, and no one should be poor as to be forced to sell as the philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau. It is fundamental and vital to the health of our species, to achieve concrete practically the foundation of this powerful philosophical idea . The company must still ensure that no wealth buys physical integrity, morality or ethics of a human being .
In other words, it must be sent to any individual can use his wealth to buy, bribe, humiliate, abuse, halt the progression or freedom of another human being . The problem is not wealth itself, because its potential can achieve great things ( eg sponsorship ) is in use. All actions of an individual serving ultimately to the evolution of our species, we really all absolutely equal. Liberalism and trends Instinct and conscience The new warrior
How the ancients were right who had not even a god for merchants and thieves. Alexandre Dumas, son
When the market is all-powerful, it inevitably reduces man to a mere object for traders.
Liberalism is the supremacy of the merchant. This supremacy was previously in the hands of the warrior. In theory, therefore, it would be a move towards the peaceful. But we have before us every day, the results of a world subject to the "values" of the merchant. If less violent, the first sense, it abuses the world discreetly. It boosts the perversion and the baser instincts of humanity. It transforms man and his behavior quite insidious . Instinctively, the market trends and stimulates stifles conscience. Trends in the supremacy of conscience is obviously not unique to the market. It still seems to characterize most human behavior. If it was the opposite, diplomacy will always prevail over violence.
As long as man has not reversed this process, giving too much power to the market system is to leave all play lambs and wolves (which would obviously be the same with any other dominant group ) . Without opposition, irresistibly market extends its hold on the world. Like all unconscious mechanisms, the market ahead in others until it stops and sets her limits. The primary driving is particularly well suited to the global competition, but it devastates frail. She abuses the naive, vulnerable, ie without human majority of forum and defenses . This is simply a perfect return to the workings of nature .
Liberal doctrine and market The instinct of the market A fierce liberalism
Just a look at merchant hundred eyes are not enough to the buyer Arabian Proverb
Three things already seem to steer the current liberalism to deafness and slavery
1 / The seizure of his impulses on his conscience .
2 / how it ignores the spiritual dimension of man.
3 / Its tendency to oust the forces of conflict and opposition.
Instinctive and adventurous nature of the market makes it a powerful tank action and creativity. The special "qualities" of the industrial and merchant are necessary for our development. It allow them to withstand the fierce competition ( they impose on themselves and impose on others ) . Only we must challenge the supremacy gained by these particular within humanity "values."
Indeed, in a system of competition so fierce, cynical and immoral ( liberalism since the 80s ) most of the " qualities" necessary for dominant defects are actually singled out by philosophy, spirituality, ethics and morality ( narcissism, perversion, selfishness, indifference, elitism, venality, clanicité, occidentalocentrisme ) .
These "values" projected on humanity by the " body " of the market (ie the mass media) are simply defects which every human being spiritualized a little, trying to get rid of. The continued presence of these "values" of the market, is fully responsible for the rise of violence, Despair, and evil - living experienced by the company in recent decades. The market and its values.
To market, morality, generosity, selflessness, simplicity, caring for vulnerable ... represent weaknesses. Competition, aggression, corrupting force, expansionism, greed and venality are part instead, its organic engines. It is not so much matter to criticize the "character " of the market (although it should be moralized ) but exclude the bodies to disseminate the values of humanity (media, education) and through which it broadcasts for several decades, his impulses as if they were good values ​​to teach ... The responsibility of journalists
Finally, it is not the market that is most responsible for the excesses he commits. He can not have both the classic qualities of its function ( impulsive, creative, offensive, adventurer ) and that of the holy ( altruistic and absolutely respectful of others ) . These are the groups responsible for the control law, the media, political power, who failed in their duties (but we will see a little further than the nature of the market instinctively seeks to go beyond the obstacles. )
Liberalism and spirituality Spiritual values The object against the topic The moral value can not be replaced by the value intelligence and I would add : thank you God ! Albert Einstein
Another handicap of actual liberalism seems to be its inability to reflect the spiritual nature of man and the great values ​​behind it. The stiff competition system which propels, prevents it. The need to sell more and more, keeps him at the instincts and organic . It does not stimulate the action with the deepest values ​​( generosity, support, desire to do so . ) . He raised through primary instincts ( lust for power, greed, consumption, competition, aggression, endangered, threat).
From the time when spiritual values ​​are neglected, physical concepts, become the sole anchor of the point man . We are in this case . The meaning of the world is completely obliterated in favor of an immediate low enjoyment . And man, stripped of its spiritual values ​​, finds relegated to commodity. Crush any challenge
Another blackheads emerging liberalism, his natural inclination is to oust the opposition. This trend is common in the dominant group. But according to the dominant, it has different sizes. Between a fundamentally democratic head of state does not like criticism but leaving them to express themselves, and the muzzling Dictator invariably, there is a whole world .
There neoliberal world as we know it in recent decades. This is not a dictatorship, yet . Corrupting most journalists, neglecting some information, drowning in a flood of information, the current liberalism to bring the ineligible status of the qualifying . He managed to scramble to most of the critical spirit of the West.
Wealth will increase even more that leave the individual free to seek his own advantage rationally, inside From a legal framework prohibiting theft and violence. Here is one of the key proposals supported by the liberal philosophy since its inception.
This liberalism work if an effective system unable to maintain low the voracity of " strong." If he could protect dominated dominant . When there is no sufficient critical resistance ( media, politics, justice) to frame liberalism, it invariably violates its own commitments. This is obvious in the north / south trade . In recent decades, the Western media silent bad practices to the poor world. In global competition, the strongest (or most perverse ) still imposes its law . A law -breakers and law without any regard for the interests of the people . Twenty years of this were enough to destroy a large part of the African continent.
Conclusion To the symbiosis A positive liberalism ?
Men believe you because of your interest, regardless of your value. Honoré de Balzac
It would probably be unrealistic to imagine that a symbiotic world is already possible . A system of free trade perfectly fair, honest and upright, respectful and humanist, is already feasible. The power of human impulses, the weakness of our consciousness, the interweaving of interests, obscure for the moment, even the view. Yet humanity seems to be moving uncontrollably towards universal harmony, as we shall see in a later chapter . It is only a matter of time. Liberalism, as practiced for twenty years, satisfied and delighted a small number of individuals. A small group of combative spirit, aggressive, well-adjusted deaf and oblivious to human suffering . But it does not satisfy the greatest number. He mistreats human majority aspire instead to the conscious action, physical security, dignity and paisibilité .
On the other hand, liberalism has not imposed by chance. He has his reasons for being. In these reasons, we find the freedom of expression and criticism . Allowing just two qualities, a good evolution of this doctrine ( nonexistent qualities in communism, hence its failure). Emulation is one of the engines of progress.
Progress improves object, cleans, makes forward, safe, sound and harmless. It is neither emulation nor the object is a problem for humanity. It is our lack of understanding of their real meaning. Emulation is favorable if it is friendly and playful. Consumption represents a gain for the man, over- consumption, a danger. It therefore seems necessary to deepen our awareness to grasp this sentence correctly Hegel : "Man is the tool of something higher and larger than it realizes unconsciously ."
In short, things and human actions have no common meaning attributed to them .. Selfishness and self-centeredness are unaware of the competition engines. But the deeper meaning of their presence is gradually lead humanity towards perfection. Luxury is considered by the mainstream as a tool of class distinction . In fact, its deeper meaning is to improve the object. The overwhelming desire of power is used by humans to establish some dominance over his peers . In reality, it is a desire of maneuvering engines mankind to perfection. Similarly, the object is not proposed by the liberal god. So we need to stay in control . Submit to it, would be subject to a matter that we need to transcend the contrary . At the same time, the object is necessary for us not to be like the animal, subject to nature. We need the object, while forgetting his presence. We can and must complicate the technology to make it perfect and as intelligent as a living organism . Only, it must be our ally and not become our master. If we analyze liberalism in depth, we would see some obscenities and crises, it generates are not only related to an adjustment period, but its mechanics, its superficial view of life, and "values" he is forced to exalt . Solutions for positive liberalism
Beyond the specific nature of liberal ideology, we can still mitigate some of its negative effects. It would be necessary for it to master the market with an independent legal system . Necessary it is guarded by powerful and incorruptible consumer organizations.
Looking at things in a synthetic and human, reflection seems simple. Globalization is a necessity, competition one of its engines . Human values ​​are our only safeguard to prevent a return to running wild . We have the choice between two ideologies :
1 / liberalism perfectly mastered, finding its proper place in the hierarchy of values ​​,
2 / or access to the " symbiosis " to the conscious exchange, fair, and respectful, motivated by a healthy rivalry .
Leaving about our consciousness, the choice should be quick ... but we are already capable ?
written in 2001
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