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Philosophy of idéology

philosophie liberalismeLibéralism, communism démocracy

Capitalism and the astonishing that the worst men belief could do things for the greater good of all. John Maynard Keynes.

Any practice political ideology, is found at a distance * of his theory. This is also the case for liberalism.

* This is why certain philosophies, such as Nietzsche, can be so misused.

A chasm exists in fact, between the liberal philosophy and its applications. In practice, liberalism as communism is far from expectations provided by philosophers and thinkers. If some of the neo-liberal practices are faithful to the moral and human ethics, others are the opposite. Human nature, natural wear of systems, their corruptibility, are the main reasons.

This corruption, we are also witnessing today. The current neo liberalism, does not hesitate to sacrifice on the altar of profit and elitism, a huge amount of people. We are so far from the aspirations of the founding fathers of liberalism.

The fault is not with drives creativity

Economic doctrines, in their great majority, are not inherently evil. They seek instead to offer the well-being of the human community. But the human mind, sometimes perverted. This is the reason why man must learn to live with himself. Must agree to see and understand the nature and influence of his abusantes drives *.

* The propensity to domination and hoarding privileges are two examples.

Uncritical look, practiced utopias can end in disaster. This is also the case with the current liberalism. Since the fall of communism and taking advantage of lax environmental, it mistreats the fragile world.

The short term to long term

Ignorance of human drives, prevents anticipate problems with these drives. Give example, too much freedom to the dominant, naturally leads to abuse the dominated. This casually perverted capitalism and communism, and now the new liberalism. To stop this chain, we must study the mechanisms behind this corruption.

In this chapter, we will first of all a brief history (and probably a little naive ) liberal philosophies. Then we try to clarify the strengths and shortcomings of these doctrines born in the Enlightenment. And finally we will try to clarify some of the obstacles that political philosophy (though interesting ) to be applied correctly.



John Locke, philosophe anglais, portrait au crayon

John Locke

le libéralisme s'élabore dès la fin du XVIIe siècle en Angleterre principalement, à partir de deux sources d'inspiration : le souci d'abord de défendre la liberté de conscience religieuse contre l'autoritarisme des églises ; et d'autre part celui de limiter les abus du pouvoir monarchique. Roland Quillot la liberté.