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Action and liberalism

The contribution of liberal philosophies

Pont en constructionCapitalist hyperactivity

C'est proprement avoir les yeux fermés, sans tacher jamais de les ouvrir que de vivre sans philosopher... Toute la philosophie est comme un arbre dont les racines sont la métaphysique... René Descartes Principes de la philosophie

The great adventure of economic doctrines has marked human evolution. In this creation, the birth of liberal philosophy in the eighteenth century was a major advance. This political concept has boosted the growth of progress and therefore the level of wealth and comfort of man. Its contributions in the protection of human rights is indisputable. His contributions to respect for individual freedoms or the limitation of political authority were decisive.

Since the 1980s, liberalism has been universally imposed on all other schools of thought. It imposed itself because it enters the most "in coherence" with the new tasks of society.

Liberalism to rise from national to global

What are these missions, which the present humanity seems to have been in charge of for some decades? The contemporary human species must continue its technical and commercial development. It must improve ecologically, socially and legally a progress begun over the last few centuries. It must prolong the powerful movement of universal unification undertaken by men over the past few millennia.

These important tasks require (first and foremost) a great freedom to undertake. A strong desire for activity and creativity. That is why liberalism has imposed itself. Freedom of enterprise is vital to "reversing" national standards in favor of international standards. To move from national to universal functioning. But liberal liberty, when it is fully granted to the dominant, entails its share of disillusionment and abuse. And that is what happens today in the liberal world.

Towards an ethical market

It is therefore necessary for liberalism to move on to the second stage of globalization. To rise to the time of consciousness. We must continue, of course, to undertake, but in the midst of a powerful human ethic and under the supervision of a sharp surveillance. It is time for the marketplace to accept to act under the strict control of international laws and human ethics.

In my view, we are entering this second phase of globalization.

In the last two decades of the twentieth century, a kind of carefree, aggressive and uncontrolled liberalism prevailed to globalize. Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, driven by ecological risks and by the increasingly unbearable atmosphere offered by this violent freedom, new mentalities seem to be emerging ... In any case, that is my intuition.


René Déscartes portrait en noir et blanc

Il paraît particulièrement nécessaire de faire de nouveau de la philosophie une affaire sérieuse... Hegel Phénoménologie de l'Esprit