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The animal language

A sentimental world

Love and affection animal

Let subversive. Let us revolt against ignorance, indifference, cruelty, which also is exercised so often against the man because they are made ​​by hand on animals. Let us remember that we must always relate everything to ourselves, there would be less children of martyrs if there were fewer animals tortured. Marguerite Yourcenar.

Not bad but could do better

We are far from having discovered all the mysteries of nature. Far from having entered all the emotional subtleties going on in the animal world. Yet we often behave towards other species, such as derogatory and imbued dictators *.

* And sometimes, like real torturers who have lost all sense of humanity, as is the case in intensive farming.

Certainly, we have sophisticated language and intelligence. We have developed our consciousness and reasoning. We improved our emotional and sentimental capabilities and provides wonderful dowries to create *.

* Writing, technology, art, music, etc..

But after thousands of centuries of culture, opening our consciousness may seem much lower. Our humanity and respect for the other species, may seem much archaic.

Construction to consciousness

Only humanity can be more advanced than what it is. Its development follows a logical progression from where any precipitation excluded (exit failure of communism ). The first step leads us to spread throughout the world. To discover all the contours, to acclimatize to all conditions. The second stage works at the meeting of humanity. At its unification around a universal and benevolent system. We are indeed passed from tribe to the city. From the city to the country. The country to the nation. Today we work in the community of nations * with a horizon, the global village.

* ASEAN, OAU, Alena, CE

After the era of construction happens, it seems to me, the age of reason. The age will be universal agreement, human unity and understanding the meaning of our way.

but now

Meanwhile, the man must eventually discover his world. And in this exploration, he must understand himself and understand other life forms. This is what he does through new disciplines such as ethology. In reality, we do not know the feelings that drive other species. It does not mean they do not exist. In any case, it does not allow us to minimize their emotional, romantic or emotional capacity. Humanity loses its beauty when the man mistreats his fellow or torture animals. He simply degrades the soul of its kind.

The feeling is the backbone of living.

The living is different from vegetable and mineral, with its high capacity expressed his feelings. The feeling is even our most basic advice. Love and fun are the "positive guides " of our actions. Suffering is the "negative Guide" *.

* Face the pain there is no difference between men.
The illiterate as intellectual, European, African, American or Asian, if we suffer torture.

The animal world is tied in suffering

Man, like the animal, fear of suffering and death. there is no difference between the species. The animal suffers as much as the man when the tortures. However, our self-centeredness often leads us to consider radically different nature. It is through this type of point of view, that man can treat animals in the most sordid way it is.

The rise of ethology

To respect life

Ethological discoveries to human reason

This is the true mark of a philosopher that the sense of wonder. Platon

In recent decades, new disciplines such as ethology, * open our awareness of other species.

* scientific study of morality and human and animal behavior

Their incredible discoveries gradually changing vision we had other animals. This new discipline update our true closeness with nature. It reveals deep similarities between all social species. This new step in understanding our environment should gradually reduce our narcissism. It should encourage discernment and communication between man and the animal kingdom.

Listen to the language of ethology.

This science actually tells us several things:

* Culture, social relationships and emotional, love or feelings, are not unique to humans.

Emotional and relational needs of most other social animals, do not differ from ours.

* language, technology, social issues, sexuality, learning, self-knowledge.

This relational similarity between the animal is us, should we do understand. It should allow us to measure, for example, the cruelty of intensive farming. Cruelty to other mammals we destine our diet. This attitude, relatively recent in the history of the relationship between man and animal is unconscious. It results from the connection between mercantilism, nihilism, technology and narcissism.

Market values ​​and cruelty

Intensive farming

A human unconsciousness

No room for the spiritual dimension in the mind of the market..

Man is part of the class mammalia ( mammals). This class, even by its morphology, has developed a large variety of family feelings. The depth of these feelings, seems relatively close between species. The condition of a cow for her small is substantially identical to that of a woman to her baby.

Breathtaking aberrations

Just look at the acts of tenderness and love exchanged by any mammal, to enter the aberration of intensive farming.

The licks have evolved caresses and kisses. But the attention and love are the same... The look and feel of a bovine heart certainly identical to those of a human mother emotions.

Unconscious torturers for profit.

Then think that the current food chain ?

How to describe this new model of peasantry ? A peasant can detach a calf from its mother, just days after his birth? A peasant can imprison a baby in a mammal cell iron for fattening ? What about this system, unable even to imagine that such behavior is foolish ? it can upset the mental balance, even the physiological balance of these animals ?

There will be crazy.

What happens in the mind of a human baby and delivered to living conditions as traumatic ?

Imagine what could become a newborn isolated few days after his birth, his mother and any condition..

Imagine a private child forever, tenderness, maternal sweetness, physical contact, affectionate look and reassuring..

Imagine a child stuck his entire life in an iron cage and could not express his desire to touch and movement.

Would not it would develop during growth, a number of problems ? A quantity of psychoses and impairment phychiques ? Would not it would cause mental dissociation and inconsistencies in behavior?

Plausible relationships with mad cow

This kind of trauma can, in my opinion, Trigger brain changes. This is also the case of a violent and permanent injuries suffered by a child. And these brain changes can, of course, be passed from generation to generation. And the transmission of trauma, may change in the long run, the brain structures of the animal lineage. It can cause biochemical disorders and eventually begin the essential functions. In a word, her crazy part of this species.

There in there, perhaps, a reflection have on mad cow.

When dominates the foolish, living suffers

The industry in the era of primary profitability, is a perfectly unconscious way to livestock. And acts the same way towards men it employs. This is the case when "incarcerated" humans for most of their day in front of a workflow. When it leads to constantly repeat the same gestures * and poverty wages.

* and when the West prohibits From dehumanization line work, the market does not hesitate to decentralized to poor countries, showing, once again, his unconsciousness.

Improve the market and liberalism

This is not the market itself is a problem for society. On the contrary, it is always better to live under the rule of liberalism than under dictatorships. Better living under the authority of that trade under the authority of warriors or utopias too early (communism ). It is simply to call the market a little more awareness. A little more respect for the living and the human being.

Rudolf Steiner 1923


112/09/2005 Today a reader sent me this excerpt from a lecture by Rudolf Steiner.... January 1923. Well, gentlemen, you can cook a cabbage as long as you want...

Well, gentlemen, you can cook a cabbage as long as you want, you do not get away from the meat. You will not be able to draw the meat by putting it in your stove or in your pan, just as it is possible to transform a meat cake is prepared. There is no technique that allows this. But, in fact, what we can do technically is in the body of the animal. But necessary for this operation forces must first be found in the body of the animal. Of all the technical forces that we have, it does not allow us to transform plants into meat. We do not have any.

Our body and the body of the animal, thus contains forces capable of transforming plant materials, plant materials, meat materials... Imagine it takes to beef the urge to say :

. I enough to walk and do the plucking weeds. An animal could do for me. I will go and eat this animal !.

See : beef would start eating meat !

Yet it is capable of producing itself of the flesh !

It has the strength to him.

What would happen then if, instead of vegetable, beef began to eat meat ?

All the forces that could produce flesh therefore find him idle...

Take any factory to produce any thing, and assume that you do nothing but produisiez you put all the factory running. Imagine the waste of strength that might be. Considerable force would be wasted.

Now, gentlemen, the power that is wasted in the animal body can not dissipate like that.

Beef is full of the force, she made him something else to transform plant material.

This strength is, it is there, it is otherwise in him. And what it does produce all kinds of waste. Instead of flesh, these are harmful substances that are manufactured. Beef is therefore fulfill all the possible harmful substances if they suddenly began to be carnivorous. It would fill including uric acid and urate... Or urate, meanwhile, has particular habits. Specific patterns of urate is to have a weakness for the nervous system and brain. If beef eating meat directly, would result in secretion of urate in huge quantities, urate go to the brain and the beef would go crazy (...). If we were to experience all feed a herd of cattle by giving them doves, we would get a herd of cattle crazy....


The death

Les enseignements des sages peuvent vous transformer en un dieu ou en un être mauvais.
Wang Bo